The Real-World Evidence Company, in collaboration with MedRespond, an AI-driven Conversational Technology company and TalkBackTime, a video-based consumer engagement company, launch My Vaccine Program (MVP), a fully-integrated, cloud-based platform that engages and educates consumers related to their COVID-19 vaccine experiences.
Sandra Garrett, CEO of MediMergent states: “The MVP engages directly with consumers and captures their attitudes and behaviors related to their health/disease and treatment, in order to improve outcomes. To address vaccine hesitancy, consumers need accurate information regarding the risks/benefits and how people “just like me”, with similar health profiles, react to the vaccine. The MVP builds a supportive community, especially for the medically underserved and ethnic and racial minorities.”
“Deploying a library of over 250 learning modules, we invite patients to open a dialogue with a virtual healthcare expert”, says Virginia Pribanic, CEO of MedRespond. “The platform anticipates questions using AI-based algorithms and delivers personalized, patient-centered responses. We explore vaccine hesitancy, validate patients’ concerns, and present a fact-based discussion supporting the patients’ decision making.”
TalkBackTime obtains consumer feedback on pre-defined issues like vaccine hesitancy, and produces candid videos which resonate with “people like me” through actual speech patterns, dialects, tone, mode and body language. “Our analytics profile responses by age, sex, race, ethnicity, location” says Allan Horlick, Managing Partner. “These videos add a qualitative dimension to the quantitative data we are collecting in the MVP”.
Consumers enroll in the My Vaccine Program and complete surveys, across eight weeks, about their vaccine experiences. They enroll in the program via an application to their administering pharmacy, vaccination center, or their employee health and wellness programs. MediMergent’s platform monitors post-vaccination safety surveillance, tracks potential side effects and produces de-identified data that can be reported to multiple stakeholders, including the consumers themselves. These multi-faceted engagements empower consumers with relevant data, within their own community, enabling them to move from hesitancy to vaccination.
About MediMergent, LLC
MediMergent is a leading Real-World Data and Evidence (RWD/RWE) company combining patient engagement, digital technologies, and predictive analytics to collect, integrate and interrogate Real-World Data from the context of the patient. The Company’s digital platform leverages the power of the patient’s voice to provide accurate, reliable, and comprehensive data with the goal of improving health outcomes and compliance to treatment. MediMergent delivers the Voice of the Patient through a suite of digital applications and proprietary surveys that engage directly with the patient. These data are combined with advanced technologies including AI, ML, and predictive analytics to collect, integrate and analyze Real-World Data that brings real-world impact to Real-World Evidence.
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MediMergent Media
Jessica Beote
Matter Communications